03 Aug

I'll start out by being completely honest, I don't think we ever arrive at the highest versions of ourselves on this side of heaven. However, I also believe that it is our responsibility to try and live our lives in a way that honors God, ourselves and those we love.

Towards the end of my 40's, I found myself in mediocre physical condition with a distracted, disorganized mind and a rather lazy spiritual practice. I was merely scratching the surface of my potential and I knew it, but I seemed to stay in this endless loop of wanting to make changes, but not following through. 

"What is wrong with me,"  I would ask myself on the regular. I felt as if I must have some defect, because how could someone who knew so much about Body, Mind and Soul be struggling with no end in sight? 

My first answer to this question was actually quiet simple. For a little while, I needed to do less, so that I could do more. I slowly began saying no to the over abundance of obligations that were in front of me. I began to look at choices and ask myself new questions such as, "Does this help me become the woman I believe God wants me to be?" I got serious about living a life of impact and my perspective shifted to eternal matters, not just my comfort. 

During this process, I wrote a novel, called The Ripple, which changed my heart and my life. As I worked diligently to obtain publishing (still working on that), I began to grow as a writer and an encourager. The more I learned, the more I grew in my faith and my confidence slowly took flight. 

Then exactly 1 month before my 50th birthday, I began creating what I believe to be my life work, The Turn-the-Page Journal. This journal was the catalyst for the biggest part of my transformation and I know in my heart of hearts it will set women free, ignite new passions and rekindle forgotten dreams. 

I am beyond excited to see where this all leads and I am extremely honored to have you with me on this journey we call life!

I will be adding to this blog as things progress. In the meantime, Live Big and Love even Bigger. 

Yes and Amen!

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