19 Jun

Due to my husbands previous involvement in training Special Operation recruits for the military, several years ago my little family vacationed to Coronado, CA, the birthplace of every Navy Seal.  He attended a graduation while there, and my son and I were able to join him that evening for an intimate gathering.

In a room full of freshly pinned Navy Seals, I listened in on my husband’s conversation with the young man he trained. The young man was poised, extremely fit and very well spoken.  For almost 2 years, this young man survived the unthinkable, even conquering the infamous Hell Week.  He was no joke, he was the real deal.  

I looked around the room feeling somewhat envious of these young men.  They had their whole lives ahead of them and they had already tasted greatness. Young men at their fittest and finest.  Ready to go to battle at a moments notice.  Highly trained protectors and killers, yet they looked so young and innocent.  They withstood what most cannot endure.  Words could not convey what they had accomplished.

My then 8 year-old little boy stood nearby with no comprehension of the weight of this moment.  Daddy trained these kind of guys all the time, so it was normal to him. 

 “Oh, a room full of Navy Seals, hum, no big deal.”  

I leaned over and tried to remind my sweet little guy that wisdom was pouring out of this newly pinned warrior, my sweet boy wanted to know when we could go back to the pool. Personally, I  soaked it in, trying to absorb the moment. 

The young man had a lot to say about his experiences. But, this is what hit home with me most- The question was asked, “So, how did you make it through?”

His response...

“I always remembered that the comfort would return.”

 Yes, I screamed in my mind! I must always remember that even in the midst of pain and suffering, the comfort will eventually return.  The pain will not last forever, whether it be physical or emotional pain, there is an end.

Later that night, I begin to think.  Do I care more about being comfortable than living as the best version of who God created me to be? Do I squander my life? Neglect it? Rush through it only skimming the surface of what I am capable of through God’s grace?

In every fiber of my being I want to make the most of my life.  I want to work hard and love harder.  I want to be in excellent physical condition and look back with no regrets.  I want to make the most of every single aspect of my life. Why? So, I can try to be the first 50 year old female Navy Seal?  Um, no. :)

I want to make the most of my life, so that it shouts of God’s Glory!
Not my glory, His Glory. Not your glory, His Glory.

A life well lived isn't about our comfort, even though the comfort will return. 

Life is about the struggles and the hardships and the joy and the success and everything in between.   If you are living comfortably, but with no purpose and passion, I encourage you to rethink your life.  

What opportunities are waiting on You?
What does God have waiting on the other side of Your comfort zone?
Let us not be so comfortable that we miss out on all that this life has to offer.  

Hooyah...Thanks Cole :)

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